Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dog Training: Lie Down

The method to teach the Lie Down command is similar to teaching the Sit command. This is a useful command to help your dog calm down, or if you need your dog to stay in one spot for an extended amount of time.

To teach this command, small treats will be useful. During training sessions, especially with young dogs, limit your time to 5-10 minutes. Dogs tend to have short attention spans, and the longer you work at something the worse their performance will seem.

To begin, stand in front of your dog with a small treat in your hand. Place your hand in front of your dog’s nose, close enough that she is not tempted to jump for it. Then, slowly move your hand, with the treat, towards the ground. As you are moving your hand, say “lie down.” As soon as your dog has her elbows and hocks on the ground, shower her with praise! As you progress with this command, work away from using treats, so that she knows to Lie Down, whether she is rewarded or not. To release her from Lie Down, use a simple command, such as “release” or “OK.”

Remember, the most important part of any training exercise with your dog is consistency and patience. And have fun!

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